Best practices when identifying information sources for your CI project



It is very common that, when starting a Competitive Intelligence project, analysts wonder where can get new information sources to supplement those they know. The search for information sources is sometimes a thankless task, since it is difficult to find high quality results, although it may significantly improve the received information. There is no magic formula that will guarantee the best sources, although there are some good recommendations to follow:

  • Properly define information needs and be clear about what Key Intelligence Topics are responding.
  • Establish what type of information sources do you need and spend time defining this phase and listing all the valid types. This involves opening the range of possibilities in order to meet the needs more easily.
  • Be consistent in the search, following a strategy and avoid clicking links indiscriminately. It is appropriate to define the time it will devote to seek information sources on each topic so avoid getting “stuck” with a theme. Also, if you do not find sources of a specific topic within a reasonable time, it is necessary to rethink the strategies being followed.
  • Avoid using only search engines. It is worth training in specialized search methods and correctly using the available tools in the market. It is interesting to opt for thematic directories. Note that the best way of identifying sources are professionals who work every day with them.
  • The websites of associations, R&D organizations and government agencies are likely to be fully exploited. Normally, in these pages there is a “Links” area where many useful and interesting web addresses can be found. It is worth reviewing these pages.
  • Use the “site maps” of websites helps to find the desired information quickly, avoiding having to navigate through different pages.
  • For proper organization it is highly recommended to use markers and the development of a consignment note. In this document (Excel, Word, etc.) must list those sources and the dates when they have been sought.
  • Google is a good tool for finding information sources, but it is important to define clearly what we are seeking. To do so, the use of search engine operators is essential. These operators can significantly narrow the search being performed:

If you are looking for interesting information sources for your surveillance and have doubts, you can contact us and we will help you. Also, you can try a professional software like INNGUMA for free requesting a demo.


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