Knowledge about vtic

This is the place where you will find information about Competitive Intelligence and Surveillance, from day-to-day recommendations to interviews with professionals in the sector.

INNGUMA: Competitive intelligence and monitoring tool

INNGUMA is an initiative that arises from the objective of putting competitive intelligence within the reach of any entity. There are different technology watch tools on the market, but they offer closed systems at considerable costs; INNGUMA pretends that, thanks to its different versions and scalability, any organisation (independently of its size, sector, competitive position, or resources) can monitor its environment and detect the opportunities and threats that are continuously appearing.

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Welcome to the Innguma Blog

This blog has a clear aim: to inform the community about the news in the field of Competitive Intelligence and, specifically, about our Innguma monitoring tool. Therefore, we have divided the information we are going to publish into 5 categories:

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