Knowledge about vtic

This is the place where you will find information about Competitive Intelligence and Surveillance, from day-to-day recommendations to interviews with professionals in the sector.

Our favorite macroeconomic sources

When talking about Competitive Intelligence, monitoring sources of macroeconomic data is often left in the background, as the information provided is sometimes too far from the scope of work of the organizations. Still, it´s interesting (and sometimes necessary) to monitor these sources as they can provide very important information that helps making strategic decisions, such as opening new markets, relocation of production, changes in providers, etc. We present our favorite macroeconomic information sources:

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Best practices when identifying information sources for your CI project

It is very common that, when starting a Competitive Intelligence project, analysts wonder where can get new information sources to supplement those they know. The search for information sources is sometimes a thankless task, since it is difficult to find high quality results, although it may significantly improve the received information. There is no magic formula that will guarantee the best sources, although there are some good recommendations to follow:

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The main Competitive Intelligence and Technological Surveillance Congresses and Conferences

Competitive Intelligence is a discipline that is gaining increasing importance, hence the increasing number of CI professionals and profiles in companies. There are associations that bring CI professionals together, institutes devoted to the training and study of CI and, of course, many conferences where practitioners and providers exchange their experiences, views and best practices. In this article we list the main conferences held in the field of CI.

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